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When you initially sign up to WhosOff, adding staff members onto the account can take a bit of time, as there are often a few pieces of information you need to gather beforehand. But, once you've got all of the necessary staff information, you can quickly and easily add all of your staff members onto the system in one go.
  • Login to your WhosOff account
  • Click on Administration on the Left Hand menu (you can also go via the + icon in the top right hand corner by selecting Add / Import staff)
  • Then go to Admin Dashboard within the Administration section
  • Click on Import Staff
  • On the resulting page there are 3 steps to go through

Step 1 - Download Template - From here you can download the template import spreadsheet (in .XLSX format)

It is important not to change the format of this spreadsheet, or add / remove any columns.

Step 2 - Enter your staff data - On the spreadsheet there are multiple fields of information that can be populated, not all of this information is mandatory but could be useful for tracking within WhosOff.
  • Staff Code - whilst you don't have to enter one, this could be used for their employee number as it shows up on Reports (Not Mandatory)
  • Title - i.e. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr etc. (Not Mandatory)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address - This becomes the user's Username, and any notifications sent out of the system will be emailed to this address
  • Password - At least 8 characters long, can be generic as a Welcome Message can be sent out later
  • Department - Must match any of the Departments already on your account
  • Approver - The First and Last name of the user's approver
  • User Type - Depicts the user's permissions on the system
  • Allowance type - Either Days or Hours
  • This Year - Opening - Enter the amount of leave entitlement the staff was entitled to at the beginning of this year
  • This Year - Remaining - Enter the staff member's current amount of leave entitlement, if you are starting the year fresh on WhosOff, enter the same as the Opening Balance (This Year)
  • Next Year - Opening - Enter the staff member's opening balance for Next Year
  • Next Year - Remaining - Enter the staff member's remaining balance for Next Year
Please note that Opening and Remaining allowances do not need to be entered on the import spreadsheet and can be easily added later on.

Step 3 - Upload your file -  Once you've completed the bulk import spreadsheet, you can return to your WhosOff account and click on Choose File, this will allow you to select the specific spreadsheet you have worked on.

Once you've completed steps 1, through to 3, you can click on Prepare Upload. You will then see a preview of the information entered on the spreadsheet, along with indications as to whether required information as been entered i.e. their Department, Approver and Allowances.

This offers you the opportunity to go back and make any changes before you import your staff. Once you are ready you can click on Import Staff.

You will then see a breakdown of any successfully imported users, as well as if any weren't able to be imported. Hovering over the Green or Red indicators will provide further information as to why they were not imported.

Finally you will get the opportunity to send all the imported users a Welcome Message, this will provide them with their Username, a link to login to WhosOff as well as their Password which upon logging in, they will have the option to change it to a more memorable password.  


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Bulk Options
Getting Started


bulk, bulk import, bulk upload, upload, multiple, staff, add, add staff, add staff in bulk

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