Quickly and easily change multiple users’ departments within the system using the Bulk change Departments tool.
- Click on Administration on the left-hand menu.
- Click Admin Dashboard which leads you to the administration page
- Click on Set department, under the Bulk section
- From the top drop-down, select a Department that you wish to change and click Search
- This provides the members of staff who are in this department
- If you wish to change all members in this department to a new department, on the right select the new department and click Set department.
- This presents all staff members with the new department title
- Click Save changes to action.
If you’re looking to move a certain number of employees to a different department, then you can follow the same procedure. However, instead of setting a department on the right hand side, you can choose a department from the drop-down list in line with the employee’s name. Remember to save any changes once you are happy with the selection.
Bulk OptionsPHRASES
bulk update, new department, update department, swap department, change department, change teamSimilar articles
Super users can quickly change the approver for multiple staff, or a whole department using the bulk options.
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