In WhosOff you are able to submit your time off and have it sent to your Approver for approval (depending on the leave type settings).
Login to your WhosOff account
- Click on the plus (+) icon in the top right hand corner of your screen (you can also tap Request Leave along the top of your Dashboard)
- From the Quick Access menu click Submit Leave Request
- Your Right Hand menu will then be presented to you (this is a theme throughout WhosOff whereby your Right Hand menu allows for managing a leave request)
- To carry out the submission, proceed as follows;
- What type of leave do you want to book? - Holiday / Vacation
- When should it start? - Select your Start Date
- For how long? - There are a few duration options available to you:
- All day - Book off the entire day
- Just part of this day (half day) - Will allow you to book half of the day either AM or PM
- A couple of hours - Book off a specific number of hours in 15 minute increments - only available for users with the Hours allowance type or on certain types of leave
- For longer than a day - Allows you to specify a longer duration by selecting an End Date
- Any notes? - Allows you to submit a note entry for the leave request
- Once you've entered your required leave request details, you can click on Check Details
- If you have booked a working day, the system will highlight how much allowance is due to be deducted (depending on your leave type settings).
- If you're happy to proceed you can click on Submit Leave or you can amend any details beforehand to ensure the right information is submitted, alternatively you can click Cancel to stop the submission altogether.
Upon clicking Submit Leave you will be presented with a confirmation message. Depending on the leave type settings, it may be sent to your approver for approval, by email notification, you will also be sent an email confirming your submission.
leave, submit leave, holiday, request leave, book leave, submit, request, sickSimilar articles
Approvers who have been given extra permissions can manage leave on behalf of the users that they approve.
This article covers some of the new ways to carry out actions commonly performed by super users, in the new version of WhosOff.
How to create leave types, as well as the various settings that can be chosen.
Depending on whether your leave request has been approved, or whether the leave is in the past will affect how the system expects you to cancel your requests.
Super users can enter leave on any user's behalf, this allows them to add leave in the past, add more leave than the user has remaining or override any restrictions.
This article covers the additional permissions approvers can be given, beyond simply approving and declining leave & overtime.
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