We are happy to announce that as of June 28th 2023 companies making use of the WhosOff platform to manage their staff leave now have the added benefit of automating their user security through our Auth0 SSO integration.
By using Auth0 to sign into WhosOff your users will have one less username and password to remember, which means less time spent on support for your business.
How does the Auth0 SSO integration work?
In summary: You tell Auth0 that you want to integrate with WhosOff, they give you a certificate which you then provide through your WhosOff account. You then tell Auth0 who you want to provide access to and that's it. When the user visits the WhosOff login, you can either let them choose to login with their WhosOff account details, or force them to authenticate through Auth0.
How can I connect my Auth0 account to my WhosOff account?
We have written a knowledgebase article to show you step by step how you can enable the Auth0 integration from within your WhosOff account. Visit our knowledgebase article: How to setup Auth0 SSO.
I need some assistance, what should I do?
For any queries, raise a support ticket with our team, or give the team a call on +44 (0)1227 812933.
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