APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces are used in every day digital lives, especially if you use a mobile phone. Whether it be your banking app, news service, checking the latest football scores, or posting on your social media account, these all use APIs.
What is an API?
To keep it short, APIs allow two software applications (or systems) to communicate with each other using a pre-determined set of rules. An API will typically pass data back and forth between two applications to serve data requested, or to push data between two systems to create records or views.
For example, imagine browsing your favourite news application in the morning over breakfast. You've already told the app which news categories interest you, so, whilst you're scrolling through looking at the different stories, the application may be using an API (or several!) to aggregate news from several news outlets around the world to serve up the content you're most likely to be interested in.
Who can use an API?
Developers mainly; but not limited to. There are several API systems available , such as Zapier or Make, which allow you to automate workflow steps effortlessly, without the need for any programming skills.
As businesses grow, or adapt to change, there may come a time when a vision to integrate, or connect, several applications or processes. It would be a benefit to both the employees and the organisation if instead of using two systems to carry out one task, that one system could be used with both systems connected behind the scenes.
For example: Imagine a car workshop carries out 15 MOT tests on a daily average, then with each test the tester has to register the results within their own software system, as well as registering the results on the DVLA system. This is twice as much work as it needs to be, therefore doubling the time the tester is spending on the results, thus reducing productivity.
If it takes 5 minutes to register the results on each system, the tester is potentially losing 1 hour and 15 minutes each day, which works out at just over 281 working hours a year (based on a 5 day week, across 45 weeks of the year), which is quite costly.
If the software system that the tester was registering the results onto automatically passed the results onto the DVLA system, the time spent would be halved, increasing productivity and saving the business money. These two systems would be connected via an API.
How would my company benefit?
Assuming your company uses WhosOff to manage their staff leave and absence, there are several benefits in utilising the WhosOff API inline with your company procedures and processes.
Most businesses these days have some sort of internally developed system which is used by employees, whether it be an intranet, extranet, or staff portal. Imagine, instead of having to login to all of your software applications (including WhosOff) that the information you require on a daily basis is served in your own portal, productivity increase again!.
The information you extract from WhosOff could be "who's on leave for the day", or "who's down to attend this afternoon's training session at HQ", you could even record leave within WhosOff without ever having to login. The possibilities are quite endless, and as with the whole of the WhosOff platform, the API is being continually developed and in the future may even allow you to view your companies documents from within your own application.
Scenario A: Onboarding
If you utilised the WhosOff API, you could, register the new starter's details within your own intranet, then, once you confirmed to Add them to your system, call the WhosOff API to register a new staff member on your WhosOff account.
Top tip: If you have a self-service portal where new starters can register their own details within your systems, you can have this system talk to the WhosOff API thus further reducing time spent onboarding!
Scenario B: Payroll
Using the WhosOff API you can quickly pull a report of all overtime completed within a specified date range and pass this straight to Payroll. You may even offer them to provide them with a file of the report that they can import into their Payroll system, thus making yours and their lives easier. They'll love you for it!
Scenario C: Department volunteers for a day
You guessed it, simply register "Volunteering" as a day out of the office against all staff members within your department via the API. One process and it's done!
How can I get started with the WhosOff API?
If you have an account with WhosOff, follow the knowledgebase article below which will show you how to activate the API, gain your access credentials, and start integrating.
If you don't have an account with WhosOff, create your trial account today, you get the rest of this month and next month FREE!
Where can I find the latest documentation?
We're glad you asked, the documentation for the latest release of our API can always be found on our dedicated API documenation page.
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