This is one of the few settings that cannot change once you have started to add your staff and users (we use this setting to correctly identify the current year from the next).
If you set up the company holiday year incorrectly, please contact
We can run a process which deletes all staff leave and overtime records but keeps the staff and company details on the account.
year, holiday year, calendar year, company yearSimilar articles
This article covers the year-end leave processes your business may need to manage.
This article covers the yearly carryover process, which can be performed at the start of a new holiday year.
Approvers and super users can use the reports area to obtain records of staff members' leave and allowances.
If you need to add allowances for all staff at once, or update their balance (for example to give everyone an extra day), then you can use the bulk balance administration page.
Setting up your WhosOff account - ready for the new year.