Most customers of WhosOff pay on a rolling monthly basis, where you only need to give a maximum of 30 days' notice. If you would like to cancel your WhosOff account you can do so by following the below steps;
- After logging in, click on Administration on the Left Hand menu
- Under the Administration section, click Admin Dashboard
- Click Billing & Payment setup at the bottom right
- On the left, click the Cancel account tab
- On the right, you will see your final payable month, and when the final invoice will be collected
- Select a reason for cancellation (feel free to select Other if you have more specific feedback to give)
- Click Confirm cancellation.
We strongly advise that you use the remaining time to print out all reports / invoices for your company records.
**You will not be able to access your data once the account is cancelled. As per our Terms and Conditions, all data is deleted 6 months after the date of cancellation (including Invoices)**
If you don't pay monthly, or if you would like to schedule your cancellation for a future date (rather than the start of the next calendar month), simply get in touch with the support team and we can assist further.
We appreciate feedback, so feel free to drop us an email if there's a particular reason you're looking to cancel - or even just to say thanks for the service!
Account / BillingPHRASES
cancel, subscription, monthly, notice, account, close accountSimilar articles
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