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If you have a particularly busy time of year, you may not want to allow staff to book leave during this period (or you may want them to have to ask their Approver or a Super User to enter this on their behalf).
If you are a Super User, you can set a restriction on those days to prevent staff from requesting them off using the Restricted Days option found by 'Bulk Book Leave'.
After signing in go to the Administration dropdown 
Click Bulk Book Leave 
Click the 3rd tab at the top, Company – Free / Restricted Days
Select which departments are affected by these restricted days, either All Departments or Selected Departments (if choosing Selected, make sure to tick the relevant departments)
From the Free / Restricted option, choose Restricted
From the Range or Multiple option, choose Date Range
Enter the Description (name) of the Restricted period
Choose the From / To Dates
Then click Prepare Dates
You will see the chosen dates on the right, if any departments already have a Free or Restricted day on one of those dates you will see a warning and the date will not be processed for that department
Finally, click Process Dates.
Adding a Restricted Day will only prevent further leave requests for that date, it will not affect leave that has already been booked.




restricted, stock take, busy, block out

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WhosOff is used by many different organisations in different countries. Apart from Countries having different national holidays, some organisations work on these days and some don't and they maybe taken as a normal working day.

What are Restrictions?

Restrictions are used to prevent one member of staff being on leave at the same time as another member of staff.


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