If you are an approver and you super user has added to your profile you extra permissions, you may now add, edit or cancel leave on behalf of your staff. Any leave may now include past , present or future leave.
To Add / Edit or Cancel Leave for a staff member
- Login to your WhosOff Account
- click the Tools tab.
- If you have been given the extra permissions, you will see the 'Manage my staff leave' section. Select the staff member you wish to add / edit or cancel leave for in the drop down list selector.
- If you have only been given 'Add' permissions, you will be able to add the staff members leave in the 'Add New Leave for ...' section. If however, you have full permission, you will also have 2 extra options (Edit / Cancel) next to each leave for the staff member.
Please note: By using these tools, as an approver you may set your staff member to a minus figure.
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Approvers who have been given extra permissions can manage leave on behalf of the users that they approve.
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