Knowledgebase Article

One of my people has left, what shall I do?

If a user on your WhosOff account leaves your company, a super user can either deactivate, or delete them.

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Prior to deleting the staff member from the WhosOff system, you are required to download a copy of their WhosOff leave / allowance / overtime records. Once you delete a member of staff their records will be lost. 


Only super users are allowed to delete staff members from within WhosOff, to first download the required data;

  • Click on Administration on the Left Hand menu
  • Click on Manage Staff
  • Find the desired member of staff and in line with their name under Options, click Delete
  • On the left of the resulting page, click Download Data
  • Save the resulting document to your local network / machine.
Please be aware that if your company is using Document Storage within the Staff Hub module, you will need to separately download any files that have been assigned to this person individually.
The following information is retrievable via the download spreadsheet:


After downloading  option the Confirm Delete option will appear on the right, allowing you to delete the member of staff.

Important: When you delete a staff member, all the holiday records and restrictions are removed from the system and this process is NOT reversible.


As an alternative, you may wish to deactivate a user who has left. This will log them out of WhosOff (online and on the mobile app), and prevent them from logging back in. Deactivating a user will also hide them from all calendar views and reports.

Important: Deactivated users will still be included in your monthly costs, to stop paying for a user you would have to download their data and delete them (as above).

To deactivate a user;

  • Click on Administration on the Left Hand menu
  • Click on Manage Staff
  • Find the desired member of staff and click on their name (you may want to use the filters at the top to find them more easily)
  • Click on Profile, on the left
  • Change the Status dropdown to Deactivated
  • Click Save
  • This will deactivate the user and display a warning strip informing you of their inclusion in the billing.
16 Deactivating a user.gif


Web / Online


Account / Billing


leaver, delete user, remove staff, archive user, download data, delete record
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