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WhosOff: Your Staff Holiday Booking System

Manage your annual leave online for quicker approvals and fewer calendar clashes

Take the stress out of staff holiday management

How much of your company’s time is spent managing people’s holiday requests? If you’re still using paper forms or excel spreadsheets to track staff leave, it’s probably more than you think.

WhosOff calendar view

Streamline the way you submit, approve and manage employees’ annual leave with WhosOff’s online staff holiday booking system. It’s affordable, cloud-based and completely paperless.

With WhosOff, everyone in your company has access to an online work holiday calendar – so you can see who’s on leave, prevent critical calendar clashes, and make sure requests are sent directly to the right people for approval. Ensuring your team get the time off they want without it compromising company productivity.

  • Give every team member access to a read-only version of the company holiday calendar, so they don’t choose dates that someone’s already booked off.
  • Set rules for who has to approve each person’s leave request, notifying them when a new digital holiday booking form has been submitted.
  • Log every approved leave request centrally, for an accurate record of what time each team member has taken and how many days remain in their entitlement.
  • Customise how many days off each employee is allowed – for example, you can add extra holiday as a long service bonus.
  • Create and enforce company holiday booking policies, from how much notice needs to be given to the number of days’ holiday employees can carry over each year.

Effective staff holiday management, in any location

WhosOff is available on iPhone, Blackberry and Android smartphones

As more companies move to a remote or hybrid working model, it’s getting harder and harder to manage staff holiday using paper or spreadsheet-based systems. WhosOff solves this challenge by allowing your team to check their holiday entitlement, submit requests and approve time off in any location.

How? Because WhosOff is a cloud-based staff holiday management system – which means it can be accessed securely from any location. Your HR team can set access levels for each member of staff, so they can only control elements of the system that are relevant to themselves or their role.

At the same time, with WhosOff, everyone gets read-only access to the holiday calendar. Which means they have complete visibility over who’s off, when. To stop people working in close proximity from accidentally applying for the same time off.

And to help your team coordinate annual leave requirements on-the-move, WhosOff also has a staff holiday management mobile app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can a staff holiday booking system help my business?

A. Using an online system to manage staff holiday ensures that you have an accurate up-to-date record of exactly what time your team has booked off. This helps with all manner of strategic decisions – from planning and resourcing, to scheduling important meetings.

A digital staff holiday booking system also reduces the volume of admin involved in processing annual leave applications. For example, with WhosOff, all holiday requests are made online and sent directly to the relevant member of staff who needs to approve it. Once approved or declined, the staff member is notified of the outcome and approved leave is added straight to the online calendar.

Q. What do I need to set up my staff holiday booking system?

A. An online leave management system is a really effective way to enforce staff holiday policies – so it’s a good idea to have yours in place before you start managing employees’ time off online. You can download our free annual leave template to get started.

Use your policies to enter information such as the maximum number of people who can be off at one time, how much leave each employee can book in a single block, and any restricted days – for example, some companies block holiday requests during their busiest trading periods.

You will also need details of how much time off each team member is entitled to, as a good staff holiday booking system like WhosOff will calculate how many days remain in each person’s allowance as they take time off.

Q. Can I manage other types of leave as well as holiday?

A. Yes! WhosOff allows you to manage multiple types of time off in one place – from sickness and compassionate leave to external meetings and time off in lieu. This way, you have a complete picture of who’s available to work before approving someone’s holiday request.

Visit our leave management software page to find out more.


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