Clear and simple pricing

No setup fees & no hidden costs!

At WhosOff, we don't offer tailor made solutions and pricing plans for each company that uses our platform. This allows us to be transparent with our pricing.

Use the form opposite to see exactly how much you'll pay each month.

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Options & extras

Monthly cost(*)

This equates to a cost of   per staff member, per month.
* VAT / TAX will be applied where applicable. ** Optional

Staff holiday booking made simple

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Instantly reduce time spent on leave management with your FREE, no obligation trial today!
Sign up today and get until Friday, 25th April 2025 to try the full service, for Free!

Get started with easier leave management, today
Preferred local currency
Charged in your preferred currency

WhosOff is an online paid for service, payable in arrears once your trial has ended. We accept AMEX, Mastercard and VISA as method of payments.

All payments are handled through our preferred payment provider GlobalPayments.

Within WhosOff you are able to select whether you want to be billed in Great British Pounds (£ GBP), American Dollars ($ USD) or Euros (€ EUR). Use the option above to select your preferred currency to check out the pricing.

See the costs of WhosOff in your preferred currency:
Great British Pounds (£ GBP), American Dollars ($ USD) or Euros (€ EUR).

Your questions answered

You will no doubt have some questions before you take an account with WhosOff and we are always willing to answer your questions, simply drop us an online enquiry. You may find that your initial questions are answered below.

If you don't find the answer to your question below, drop an enquiry to our support team, or given them a call on +44 (0) 1227 812930

Is WhosOff GDPR compliant?

A. We are committed to GDPR and our customers GDPR compliance . Our Terms and Conditions, along with our Privacy Policy, have been updated to include our legal obligations under GDPR, including the clauses/principles related to data processing.

For more information regarding WhosOff security, our platform and other questions you may have, please refer to our Security and Technical Information page.

Are there any restrictions within the FREE trial?
A. Put simply, No. When you take your trial account you are able to explore the whole system without restriction. We feel this will give you the best chance of exploring all of the features of WhosOff.
How long does the FREE trial last?
A. Within the sign up form we will show you when your FREE trial will expire. Your trial will always be at least one month.
Are there any long term contracts?
A. There are no long term contracts with WhosOff, once you are past your FREE trial period you are on a month-by-month rolling contract.
What do I need to do at the end of my trial?
A. If you have decided that WhosOff will be a benefit to your company, all we ask is that you register payment within your account. If you have decided not to continue with WhosOff, just drop us an email and let us know.
Can I get an extension on my FREE trial?
A. Although we do not offer extensions on trial accounts we understand that circumstances may prevent you from making the best of your trial. In this case we would ask you to contact one of our support team who will be more than happy to help.
My company already has an account, what shall I do?
A. In the first instance we would ask you to speak with your line manager to be able to access your account. If you are having any difficulties accessing your account contact our support team and they can advise who you need to speak to within your organisation.
What payment methods do you offer?
A. As WhosOff is an online provided service, we can only offer payments by Credit/Debit Cards at this time. If you have more than 50 staff members, you can drop us an enquiry and we will see if there are alternative methods that can be offered.
How do I cancel my subscription?
A. You can cancel your account at anytime, although our terms and conditions stipulate a period of 30 days. The best thing to do will be drop us an email and we will advise you on how this can be completed.
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