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Industries served with our leave management software

What ever and where ever your business, you can be sure that someone similiar is using WhosOff.com to manage their business. The information below gives an idea of some of the industry sectors that our customers are in.

View the industries we serve
Travel / Leisure / Hotels

Running a hotel is a 24/7 operation – and the best way to stop staff from burning out is encouraging them to take regular breaks. But giving staff the time off they deserve without disrupting daily business is easier said than done.

Hotel leave management


A successful restaurant needs more than just good food. Great customer service is essential too – and that means having your best people available for every shift. But what happens when team members want to take time off?

Track restaurant staff leave

Public Service / Hospital / Schools

When it comes to educational staff planning, hours and hours go into painstakingly mapping out academic timetables. But what about non-academic staff? How are you managing their movements?

Leave software for education

Retail / E-Commerce

In the busy retail industry, managing employee holiday is never straightforward. You need to know exactly who’s booked time off to fill staffing gaps and deliver high quality customer service all year round.

Retail industry leave management

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Transport industry

Transport &

Efficient movement of goods locally, nationally and internationally depends heavily on tracking employee time off. The accuracy of recording the availability of drivers allows for fluent operations.

Legal industry

Legal & Law /

Heavy workloads and long hours within the legal industry can lead to staff burnout, if, leave management is not monitored effectively. WhosOff can provide the formal solution to annual leave tracking.

Dentist, optician and medical industry

Dentist / Optician / Medical & Research

With a focus on maintaining patient care while supporting staff well-being, leave management in the medical profession can be a challenging prospect, especially with planned and unplanned staff absences.

Media, creative and advertising

Media / Creative &

Having clear policies not only ensures compliance, but also helps maintain productivity; crucial when running teams within creative industries.

Recruitment industry
IT and Telecoms industry
IT / Telecoms
& Games
Estate and property agents
Estate Agents / Property / Real Estate
Car dealers and garages
Car Dealers / Hire & Garages
Energy, Oil and Gas
Energy / Mining, Gas & Oil
Financial, insurance and accounting industry
Finance / Insurance & Accounting
Charities use WhosOff
B2B Miscellaneous

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Instantly reduce time spent on leave management with your FREE, no obligation trial today!
Sign up today and get until Friday, 25th April 2025 to try the full service, for Free!

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Main image: "Man Wearing Orange Hard Hat", by Kateryna Babaieva @ Pexels.com
Restaurants: "Family gathering at festive table", by Askar Abayev @ Pexels.com
Education: "Newly Graduated People Wearing Black Academy Gowns Throwing Hats Up in the Air", by Pixabay @ Pexels.com
Retail: "Close-up Photography Two Brown Cards", by Pixabay @ Pexels.com
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