Whatever and wherever your business, you can be sure that someone similar to your company is using WhosOff.com to manage their staff leave and absence.
Our customers cover a wide and diverse industry spectrum, from Advertising Agencies in Australia to Solicitors in Scotland.From small businesses to large businesses. Let’s face it, every business has someone who has holiday!
WhosOff.com is the ideal alternative to your wall planner or your spreadsheet and will save you a whole lot of time and hassle. Let your staff request time off, either via the site or the free mobile apps and let the system do the work of checking holiday entitlments and staff clashes. (Alongwith all the reports and leave types you'll need)
WhosOff.com is :
Easy to use.
Solves a common problem.
Low cost.
Secure and reliable.. and...
We give great support!
We are here to help, so feel free to call one of our team on +44 (0) 1227 812933 or take a sign up and use the free trial to see if the system will suit the way you want to work.
Click the Sign up button to start your no obligation Free trial now . No long term commitment and no credit card required.
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When you refer a business to us for their leave management, and they become a paying customer, you'll receive up to £100 in Amazon gift vouchers. Find out how to start referring today.
Get your long FREE trial today!
No obligation and no payment setup required.Sign up today and get until Wednesday, 26th March 2025 to try the full service, for Free!